About me
Kateryna Quinn is a mom, an immigrant, and a proud small business owner in Northern Colorado. Recognized as a Forbes Next 1000 honoree and one of NOCO's 30 Under 30, she has made a name for herself as a leader in marketing and web design. As the founder of ASTASH an award-winning full-service digital marketing agency specializing in SEO, Google Ads, branding, logo design, and website development, Kateryna has consistently driven business success for hundreds of her clients.
In 2024, Kateryna and her team started developing their latest venture: an AI-powered business strategist designed to help service-based, brick-and-mortar small business owners increase profitability and reclaim their time. The app analyzes the current state of a business and delivers actionable, daily steps to solve challenges, boost profitability, and ultimately grow the business with the power of AI.