Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 1:45pm MDT
Leaders are usually visionary. Those who are not leaders may be more focused on the immediate task at work, the current daycare challenge, the pressing financial concern, or any other issue that keeps them focused on the here and now.

Unfortunately, many leaders do not know how to communicate vision in a way that others can really see it. Done well, vision is unifying and inspiring. If seeing is believing, then one of the most important responsibilities of leaders is to help others see beyond the immediate to a compelling future.

The other unfortunate thing is that most "Vision Statements" aren't visionary. They're often restatements of the mission, or are said so generically that they could apply to numerous other companies, rather than being a picture of the future that the leader wants others to see.
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Mark Weaver

Open Door Organizational Solutions
Mark started Open Door in 2009 to help organizations radically define their culture. He also provides non-conventional people strategies tailored to radically reinforce organizations’ cultures, once defined. His clients are businesses and Not-For-Profits ranging in size from startups... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 1:00pm - 1:45pm MDT
Twinberry Auditorium 1200 Raintree Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80526

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