Thursday March 13, 2025 11:15am - 12:00pm MDT
⭐ The Emotion Map: Inspire Joy in others without Toxic Positivity
Emotions are great... until they completely suck.
Fear is your friend... until it paralyzes you on the way to your big dreams.
It's ok to feel lost... until you can't find your way out again... and then you text your ex... and you order a case of cheetos... and then the cheetos are gone... and... wait, is that just me?

If you'd like to see a fresh take on the rollercoaster of human emotions, this talk is for you!

As it turns out, we humans are emotional, and we can't always just "leave it at the door". As a leader, managing the emotions of our team can feel like the biggest part of our job - or the most nebulous.

In this talk, I’ll show you the map I created to find my way through the maze as a highly sensitive entrepreneur for over ten years. It has allowed me to use my sensitive empathic nature as an asset, rather than a hindrance, and stay on the path to my goals.

#1 Takeaway: How to navigate through an emotional trigger, and develop Dynamic Positivity, instead of toxic positivity.

#2 Takeaway: Your own Emotional Agility Map to keep!

⭐ The Emotion Map: Inspire Joy in others without Toxic Positivity
Emotions are great... until they completely suck.
Fear is your friend... until it paralyzes you on the way to your big dreams.
It's ok to feel lost... until you can't find your way out again... and then you text your ex... and you order a case of cheetos... and then the cheetos are gone... and... wait, is that just me?

If you'd like to see a fresh take on the rollercoaster of human emotions, this talk is for you!

As it turns out, we humans are emotional, and we can't always just "leave it at the door". As a leader, managing the emotions of our team can feel like the biggest part of our job - or the most nebulous.

In this talk, I’ll show you the map I created to find my way through the maze as a highly sensitive entrepreneur for over ten years. It has allowed me to use my sensitive empathic nature as an asset, rather than a hindrance, and stay on the path to my goals.

#1 Takeaway: How to navigate through an emotional trigger, and develop Dynamic Positivity, instead of toxic positivity.

#2 Takeaway: Your own Emotional Agility Map to keep!

avatar for Amanda Fuel

Amanda Fuel

Speaking Coach for Leaders & Thought Leaders, Next Level Fuel
Amanda Fuel is here to shake things up in the world of leadership. Her secret mission is to inspire the best parts of ourselves to come out to play, even around serious topics (like emotions), and to make space for uncommon voices - are you an Introvert? Neurodivergent? Don’t fit... Read More →
Thursday March 13, 2025 11:15am - 12:00pm MDT
Stage 1200 Raintree Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80526

Attendees (6)

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